About Us
The purpose of Yuba Sutter Youth Lacrosse Club is to provide greater opportunity for the education, enrichment, and entertainment of Sutter and Yuba County youth through participation in the sport of lacrosse. The YCCLC is part of the Northern California Junior Lacrosse Association (NCJLA) and the United States Lacrosse Association (USLA)
The goal of Yuba Sutter Youth Lacrosse Club is to provide youth lacrosse players an environment that teaches skills, builds character, encourages and values team play, demands respect and promotes good sportsmanship; regardless of ability.
Looking to participate in a sport that requires skill, fitness, strategic thinking and the desire to play as part of a team? Whichever level you play at, lacrosse can enhance your life by improving fitness and coordination.
Whether you are looking to participate casually or competitively, you'll find our organization to be a great place to learn new skills and meet new friends.